Brighton Pre-school, nestled in the heart of this vibrant coastal city, London road is a place where young minds flourish and dreams take flight. With its commitment to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment, this esteemed educational institution has become a beacon of early childhood development. Younger children ages two-year-olds. In this blog post, we will delve into the exceptional features of Brighton Pre-school, the innovative teaching methods employed, and the holistic approach to child growth and learning.

A Welcoming Haven for Children

Upon entering Brighton Pre-school, one is immediately struck by the warm and inviting atmosphere. The bright, spacious classrooms are designed to inspire curiosity and creativity. The walls are adorned with colorful artwork created by the children, showcasing their imaginative prowess. The carefully curated play areas, both indoors and outdoors, offer ample opportunities for physical activity and exploration.

The dedicated team of experienced educators ensures that every child feels safe and secure, fostering a sense of belonging. They recognise the unique needs and abilities of each child, tailoring their approach accordingly. The low student-to-teacher ratio ensures individual attention and fosters strong bonds between teachers, children, and their families.

Holistic Curriculum

At Brighton Pre-school, education extends far beyond traditional academics. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to nurture the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of each child. Through play-based learning, children are encouraged to explore, discover, and make sense of the world around them. The pre-school employs a combination of structured activities and free play to promote holistic growth. Children engage in art, music, drama, and physical education, fostering their creativity and self-expression. The incorporation of technology, such as child-friendly tablets and interactive whiteboards, adds a modern dimension to the learning experience. The skilled educators at Brighton Pre-school facilitate a child-led learning environment, allowing children to follow their interests and develop their own unique strengths. The emphasis on inquiry-based learning encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills from an early age. Through hands-on activities and experiments, children develop a love for exploration and a thirst for knowledge.


Brighton Pre-school strongly believes in the power of collaboration between parents and educators. The pre-school places great importance on building strong relationships with families, understanding that parental involvement is key to a child’s success. Regular parent-teacher conferences, workshops, and events foster open communication and exchange of ideas. Parents are encouraged to actively participate in their child’s learning journey, with opportunities to contribute to classroom activities, share their expertise, and volunteer for school events. The pre-school also provides regular updates and resources to keep parents informed about their child’s progress, ensuring a cohesive and supportive learning environment.

Community Engagement

Brighton Pre-school recognises the significance of community engagement in fostering well-rounded individuals. The pre-school collaborates with local organizations and businesses to expose children to various cultures, professions, and experiences. Field trips to museums, parks, and community centers provide valuable opportunities for hands-on learning and social interaction. The pre-school also takes pride in its commitment to sustainability and environmental awareness. Children are taught about the importance of caring for the planet through initiatives such as gardening projects, recycling programmes, and nature walks. These activities instil a sense of responsibility and empathy towards the world they inhabit.

Brighton & Hove Pre-School

Our Pre-School has provided high quality care and education for children aged 3 – 5 since 1988. We have close links for children transitioning into the school and where we also provide an after-school club Our highly qualified and experienced team consist of a very experienced Qualified Teacher, an Early Years Teacher and Level 3 Manager. Our Nursery Practitioners are all qualified to level 2 and 3. We update our skills regularly and are up to date with current practice and Early Years legislation. This enables children to benefit from learning and development that is creative, inspired and focused.

Safe for your children

All staff have completed a 12 hour Paediatric First Aid Course, which is renewed every 3 years. Staff have excellent knowledge of the Safeguarding and Welfare requirements in the Early Years Foundation Stage and are able to observe, assess and plan for individual children. We pride ourselves on promoting children’s independence and equipping them with skills to support them in their next stage of learning.
Exploring the Wonders of Brighton Pre-school: Nurturing Young Minds
Our setting is organised in a way to promote freedom of choice and autonomy. We ensure we listen to the voice of the child, consider their views and interests and plan accordingly. Children contribute to the planning and delight in organising their own learning. Guided of course by our experienced team. We make the most of our big outside space and encourage children to be outside and learn. We go outside in all weathers and visit local parks and places of interest when ratio’s allow.

Early Education

Early education takes place in most childcare settings, including private nurseries, which you will find in the Childcare section. Other settings in which children receive early education are playgroups, nursery classes, and nursery places in private schools. The Government requires each of these to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage educational programme. The Government also implements an inspection called Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education), which looks into the achievements and quality of the nursery or playgroup and ensures that the Early Years Foundation Stage is being delivered. You can find more information on what the Ofsted inspection involves, and what the Early Years Foundation Stage is, by visiting the.

Playgroups: Playgroups usually offer morning or afternoon sessions for 2 to 5 year olds. They may only be open during term time so do ask if this is important to you. Have a look at those listed below. There is quite a choice of different environments.

Nursery classes: Nurseries offer free sessions either five mornings or five afternoons a week during term time. Children start in the term they are 3 years old and attend until they start school.

Private schools nursery places: Children can attend from 3 to 5 years old. This is a good choice if you want your child to attend a particular private school.

It is worth bearing in mind that the government provides free early education for 3 and 4 year olds. Most pre-school establishments offer free sessions for children after the term in which they have their third birthday. The free sessions are usually up to 5 two-and-a-half hour sessions per week. That usually means parents can have 12-and-a-half hours per week free at a childcare setting of their choice, (this is due to increase from September 2010 to 15 hours per week). Many playgroups and nurseries offer longer sessions. In these situations a parent can choose to make up the difference in cost for the extra hours attended by their child. Please see the following directory of playgroups and nurseries in Brighton, Hove and nearby areas.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a framework that sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years old. It aims to provide an inclusive environment that supports all aspects of a child’s growth, including their social, emotional, physical and intellectual development. The EYFS is designed to ensure that every child receives high-quality early years education, regardless of their background or circumstances. It also establishes statutory requirements for early years providers, such as childminders, nurseries and preschools, to promote the welfare and safety of children in their care.

What is a Stimulating Environment?

A stimulating environment is an environment that encourages learning, growth and development. In the context of early years education, a stimulating environment can refer to a learning environment or setting that is intentionally designed to engage and inspire young children. This environment should be rich in resources and opportunities for active exploration and experimentation, and should encourage children to develop their curiosity, creativity and problem-solving skills.

Discover the Heart of Community Life in Hove: The Cornerstone Community Centre

The Cornerstone Community Centre is a community-focused building located in Hove, East Sussex, UK. It is managed by the Cornerstone Community Care charity, which aims to provide support and resources for vulnerable individuals and families in the local area. The centre offers a range of facilities and services to the public, including a large hall that can be used for events and activities, a cafe, meeting rooms, and a community garden. It also hosts regular classes and workshops on a variety of topics, such as dance, yoga, and art. The Cornerstone Community Centre is committed to promoting social inclusion, wellbeing and creativity, and is an important hub for community life in Hove.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

We are inclusive and cater for children with a variety of additional needs. We have a fully qualified Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator and staff who are experienced in caring for children with additional needs. The setting is supported by BHISS (Brighton & Hove Inclusion Support Service) and children have small group interventions and one to one support.


Brighton Pre-school stands as a shining example of early childhood education, where young minds are nurtured with care, new ideas and compassion. Its welcoming environment, holistic curriculum, and strong parent-partnership set the foundation for lifelong learning. As children embark on their educational journey at Brighton Pre-school, they are equipped with the tools to explore, create, and become confident, compassionate individuals ready to make their mark on the world.