To enquire about a place at Pepper Pot then Please click the button below
Fees & Funding at Nursery (Whippingham Rd)
All our available sessions are below
Session times plus the cost
- 8 am – 1 pm = £46.30
- 1 pm to 6 pm = £ 46.10
- 8 am to 3.30 pm = £64.20
- 8 am to 4.30 pm = £72.93 ( This session is only available at Whippingham Rd Site)
- 8 am to 6 pm = £76.00
All our Funded sessions are below
Session time plus cost left to pay once funded hours are removed with the amount used within the session
- 8 am – 1 pm = £30.25 (using 3 hours of funding)
- 1 pm – 6 pm = £30.25 (using 3 hours of funding)
- 8 am – 3.30 pm = £30.25 (using 5.5 hours of funding)
- 8 am – 4.30 pm = £41.25 (using 5.5 hours of funding) (This sessions is only available at Whippingham Rd)
- 8 am to 6 pm = £49.50 (using 5.5 hours of funding)
- 9 am to 2.30 pm Funded hours only = £8.25 Additional Service Charge (using 5.5 hours of funding)
Our 2 & 3-4 years old standalone spaces are 3.50 pm – 6.00 pm Mon to Fri this is the only time your child can attend. We have a limited number of spaces for these sessions. These sessions are subject to availability and are reviewed on a termly basis
You will need to bring the following in for this session
Milk, a water bottle, a healthy cooked tea / meal, (no chocolate, no biscuits or crisps will be given). You will also need to provide a piece of fruit. We will not supply nappies or sun cream or any other items as listed in the what’s included box below.
We do not have the space to store items so you will be asked to bring them along each session and take them home again at the end of each day.
About the funding
All 3&4 year olds are, from the term after their third birthday, eligible for early years free entitlement (EYFE) funded hours 15 hours a week for 38 weeks per year (term-time only) or if the child attends year round, 570 hours stretched over the year. Some 3&4 year olds are eligible for 30 funded ‘extended’ hours a week (term-time only)1140 stretched over the year, this is the ‘working parent entitlement’. Some 2 year olds whose parents are working are now eligible for 15 hours term time only (570 stretched). For further information about working parent entitlement eligibility and how to apply go to the government’s Childcare Choices website
Some 2 year olds, whose families are in receipt of government support are also eligible for 15 EYFE funded hours per week term-time only (570 stretched), they can apply locally for this here: Childcare support for 2 year olds (
A child who turns two or three between the following months will become eligible for funding from:
Birth day between January & March will get the funding from 1st of April
Birth day between April & August will get the funding from 1st of September
Birth day between September & December will the funding from 1st of January
15 hrs Stretched Offer (maximum 11 funded hours per week for 51 weeks per year = 561 hours)
30 hrs Stretched Offer Extended (maximum 22 funded hours per week for 51 weeks per year = 1122 hours)
Subject to Eligibility please go to childcare choices to apply
Please note an eligibility code is required for these hours which must be applied for termly in advance prior to the start of each term, and must be revalidated approximately every three months (see childcare choices for more information)
We may close up to twice a year for staff training days.
You need to provide us with four weeks’ notice for leaving any sessions.
About Us
- Our opening hours are 8am until 6pm these are the only times we can offer child care.
- The nursery is open for 51 weeks of the year. We are closed on all bank holidays, plus one week over the Christmas period.
- Days cannot be swapped or given in lieu however, if additional days are required, we are more than willing to accommodate extras if we have any vacancies.
- If the nursery needs to close due to adverse weather conditions or exceptional circumstances unfortunately, we do not offer refunds or exchange sessions.
- You need to provide us with four weeks’ notice for any changes to sessions this includes leaving.
What’s Included
- Healthy breakfast ( if you have an 8 am session)
- Home cooked healthy lunch (if you have an am session)
- Home cooked healthy tea ( if your session is later than 4 pm)
- Healthy snacks (both in the am & pm session)
- Art activities & supply’s
- Cookery activities
- Weekly Yoga session
- Weekly Music with Mike session
- Any other special activities or classes we arrange
- Toiletries ( Nappies, wipes, hand towels)
- Bedding for naps
- Sun Cream plus of sun safe equipment i.e. hats
- Wet weather clothing for out in the gardens
- Online parent portal (Baby’s Days)
What’s not included
- Nappy creams
- Milk (if your preference is not cows)
- Sun Cream if you have a preference)
Food, if your child has an allergy we may not be able to cater for it due to our kitchen being too small. You may have to provide a medical note for any allergies as we don’t cater for food preference in our daily meals.